Sunday, November 9, 2014

My First Blog Post

How do you start a blog in a different language than your own?  As with so many things in life there probably isn't a easy answer, you just have to start somewhere and this is my first step into the english blogosphere. 

Who am I then? I am a dad in my 30s who has investment as a hobby and systems development as a profession. I currently reside in a 2 bedroom apartment together with my wife and little boy in the citycenter of a medium-sized city in Sweden. 

My interest in stocks was awakened in 2006, but it was not until recently that I started saving for the long term. I've learned the hard way that there are no shortcuts. In other words I  have made some unprofitable investments in the past that I think have and will help me become a better investor in the future. 

Today I have an explicit strategy based on investing in well-managed companies that provide stable and recurring dividend that increases over time. 
Since the beginning of the year I have been writing about investment in general and dividend investing in particular in my native language swedish. My Swedish blog has the same titel as this one (but in swedish of course) and can be found here:

What do I want to accomplish with this blog? My main aim is to try to further improve my investment process. I believe that writing down my thoughts and ideas will make me a better investor in the long run. By writing in english I hope to reach a wider audience and get even more feedback and in the process improve my writing.  

I will use the blog to analyze potential investment worthy companies, explain my thoughts and reflections on investing in general and report how my own investments are progressing. In the menu att the top of the page you can find a realtime version of my stock portfolio, as well as my stock watch list. There is also a page about our long-term investment goal and my investment criteria. My ambition is to further down the road add my stock analysis as well as posts about investing in genera and dividend investing in particular.   

You are more than welcome to come along on our journey!

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